Achillea millefolium
Country of Origin: Bulgaria
Yarrow liposoluble extract
Yarrow is used to fight stress, to facilitate digestion, to heal sores, and to strengthen the immune system.
By applying yarrow on wounds and cuts the healing process is accelerated. The combination of vitamins and antioxidants contained in yarrow prevent wound infections from external pathogenic microorganisms.
Yarrow has an anxiolytic effect, reduces stressful hormones and provides a sense of relaxation. This helps fight stress, anxiety and insomnia.
Yarrow has anti-inflammatory properties, and is ideal for cases of arthritis as it reduces inflammation and joint pain.
Yarrow is used to relieve the disturbed stomach, soothe the irritated bowel and stop diarrhea. In addition, it contributes to the digestion process and prevents gas formation in the stomach.
Yarrow is consumed by people with hypertension. This herb reduces high blood pressure, eliminates the symptoms of hypertension and promotes the health of the cardiovascular system.
It is forbidden to use yarrow in combination with anticoagulants.
CAUTION! Yarrow should be avoided during pregnancy
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