Country of Origin: Jordan
Rosebuds are among the most well-known remedies for painful periods, as it not only regulates hormones but also relieves pain and period cramps. It reduces anxiety, stress and mood swings caused by menstruation.
Rosebuds give a feeling of euphoria and are an excellent choice for those who feel depression, stress, failure. The natural sedative properties of the rose flower acts against insomnia and improves the quality of sleep.
The high concentration of vitamin C, present in the rosebuds, stimulates the immune system and promotes the production of white blood cells.
The antioxidant properties of rosebuds neutralize the free radicals responsible for cell and DNA destruction. This way, rose petals contribute to the wellness of the body. Rosebuds also have diuretic action and contribute to the proper functioning of the liver as they increase the frequency of urination. This prevents fluid retention and accelerates the elimination of toxins from the body.
Rosebuds are used to treat the respiratory system, the lungs and the throat and act against cold, flu and bronchitis. They help eliminate mucus and phlegm and reduce the presence of pathogenic bacteria.
The antibacterial properties of rosebuds treat inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. They contribute to the balancing of intestinal microflora and relieve constipation, bloating and diarrhea. Rosebuds should be consumed with caution as it can act as a laxative.
CAUTION! Rosebuds should be avoided during pregnancy
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