Crataegus curvisepala Lindm. (C. rhipidophylla Gand; C. oxyacantha L.)
Country of Origin of Raw materials: East Europe, DNA certified raw material
Dropper bottle of 30ml
Hawthorn tincture is widespread for its potent cardiovascular action. It is used to improve the health of the circulatory system and the cardiovascular system. It has been shown to be effective in improving heart function.
Heart failure is a serious condition in which the heart is unable to send enough blood throughout the body. Hawthorn tincture in this case may help to eliminate the symptoms of this condition, such as shortness of breath, exhaustion and inability to exercise. It also helps to relieve tachycardia and arrhythmia from stress and anxiety. It also fights insomnia caused by daily stress.
Hawthorn is an excellent regulator of blood flow and is used to restore blood pressure to normal levels. It helps both in cases of hypotension and hypertension.
Hawthorn tincture has excellent antioxidant properties which prevent the plaque from forming on the inner wall of the vessels. It is therefore particularly valuable in atherosclerosis.
CAUTION! Hawthorn tincture should be avoided during pregnancy
Dosage: 15-20 drops three times daily, diluted in water.
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