Galium aparine
Country of origin: Poland
Goosegrass has the striking ability to lower blood pressure. It has a high concentration of potassium which acts as a vasodilator and relieves the cardiovascular system, relaxes the blood vessels and arteries and thus helps prevent arteriosclerosis. This reduces the risk of heart and stroke.
It is used to regulate insulin and glucose levels in the body and thus reduces the risk of developing diabetes. High levels of insulin in this herb lower levels of bad cholesterol and protect the cardiovascular system.
Galium promotes bile production and helps the liver to process toxins faster and eliminate them from the system.
The high concentration of fiber in galium, makes it an excellent stimulant for the digestive system. It promotes smooth food movement in the intestines, relieves constipation and prevents bloating, cramps and ulcers. The presence of inulin in goosegrass reduces inflammation in the intestine and can eliminate many types of harmful bacteria that cause diarrhea and gastrointestinal problems.
Galium regulates hormonal activity in the body. It helps the liver metabolize certain hormones like estrogens as excess of these causes many dangerous hormonal disorders.
CAUTION! Goosegrass should be avoided during pregnancy.
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