Vitex agnus-castus
Country of Origin: Albania
Chasteberry or vitex or chaste tree
Chasteberry is traditionally used to combat the symptoms of acne. Consumption of chasteberry balances the hormones and reduces the risk of developing acne while, when being applied directly on the skin, relieves inflammation and pimples.
Vitex or chasteberry helps to fight premenstrual syndrome as it regulates hormones and relieves pain and period cramps, swellings and mood swings. It also strengthens estrogen production and helps against female infertility.
Chasteberry increases milk production in nursing mothers, but it is forbidden to consume it during pregnancy. Never consume this or any other herb without the advice of a doctor.
Consumption of chasteberry helps to relieve migraines and to reduce blood pressure.
Chasteberry is particularly beneficial for men against prostate inflammation. It also increases sexual desire and libido.
CAUTION! Vitex or chasteberry should be avoided during pregnancy
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