Zea mays
Country of Origin: Germany
Corn silk is used in cases of high blood pressure and in cases of diabetes, gout, kidney disorders, arthritis, digestive disorders and heart disease.
Corn silk increases insulin levels, which can help keep blood sugar levels under control. This avoids the dangerous ups and downs of blood sugar throughout the day.
Corn silk has anti-inflammatory effects and can limit inflammation in the joints and limbs, making it an excellent herbal tea for both gout and arthritis.
The diuretic effect of corn silk on the body helps to eliminate toxins from the body, cleanses the kidneys, reduces high blood pressure and improves the cardiovascular system.
The consumption of corn silk tea stimulates the release of gastric enzymes and bile, which speeds up the digestion process and improves the intake of nutrients from the body.
CAUTION! Corn silk should be avoided during pregnancy
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