Χαμομήλι Βιολογικό
Χαμομήλι Βιολογικό
Χαμομήλι Βιολογικό
Χαμομήλι Βιολογικό

Chamomile Organic

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Marticaria chamomila

Country of Origin: Greece, Kilkis - organic cultivation

Chamomile has great anticonvulsant and anti-inflammatory properties and is particularly effective in fighting stomach upsets and intestinal pains. It heals nausea, irritable bowel syndrome, muscle spasms, influenza and gastroenteritis. Chamomile prevents bloating and heals stomach ulcers. Its diuretic action reduces fluid retention and contributes to weight loss.

Chamomile' s anti-inflammatory properties combined with its relaxing action make it precious for women during menstruation. It reduces bloating, cramps, period pains, and also the mood swings and irritation that occur during the period.

Chamomile is particularly helpful in cases of insomnia. It improves the quality of sleep, fights sleep disorders and offers a sense of rejuvenation. It is recommended to women during periods of time when the quality of sleep is low.

The sedative action of chamomile reduces stress and anxiety. By consuming chamomile tea, levels of serotonin and melatonin in the body increase, which are responsible for reducing anxiety. Chamomile also offers immediate relief from migraines and headaches and is particularly valuable in the fight against chronic stress.

Chamomile regulates the immune system and shields it from allergies, thanks to its antihistamine action. This reduces allergic reactions and their symptoms.

Drinking chamomile reduces blood pressure and bad cholesterol, contributing to good heart health. It also reduces blood sugar levels and regulates insulin levels, but mainly prevents the dangerous elevations of sugar in diabetics.

Chamomile stimulates the activity of osteoblasts, which are responsible for collagen production and hence for osteogenesis. Thus, chamomile helps to prevent osteoporosis as it enhances bone density.

Chamomile stimulates the activity of osteoblasts, which are responsible for collagen production and hence for osteogenesis. Thus, chamomile helps to prevent osteoporosis as it enhances bone density.

Chamomile stimulates the activity of osteoblasts, which are responsible for collagen production and hence for osteogenesis. Thus, chamomile helps to prevent osteoporosis as it enhances bone density.

Chamomile stimulates the activity of osteoblasts, which are responsible for collagen production and hence for osteogenesis. Thus, chamomile helps to prevent osteoporosis as it enhances bone density.

Chamomile applied on the skin, can heal dermatoses such as psoriasis and eczema. It can be applied on wounds and cuts to speed up the healing process. It also has anti-wrinkle action. It reduces wrinkles and signs of aging.

Chamomile is used on hair to soften them and to reduce dandruff. 

CAUTION! Chamomile should not be consumed during pregnancy without the advice of the doctor

The medical information on our website is not advice and should not be treated as such. You must not rely on the information on our website as an alternative to medical advice from your doctor or other professional healthcare provider.